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the Awe of God
Chetek, WI. 54728

Contact Theresa at 715- 790-0000
Messianic/ Judao-Christian Teaching fellowship.  Restoring the foundation of our faith in Yeshua/Jesus, our Jewish Messiah.


Being led by the Messiah, in our daily lives.


We invite you to come and see how we learn together and grow together through the study of God's word.

We Stand with Righteousness

Rom. 12:2  In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the ‘olam hazeh (this world). Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what God wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying and able to succeed.

*Do you want to learn the Hebrew Language?

**Do you want to study your Bible using the Hebrew language? 

***Do you know that Hebrew is the KEY to understanding all the difficult passages of our Bible?

Contact us today to begin your JOURNEY into the Hebrew Language, cultures, costoms and history!  Unlock your faith in The Father of Heaven with the study of HIS Language.



We, at Restoring The Awe of God (RTAG), dedicate part of our study time to the Hebrew letters and language.  

Why, you might ask, do we study the Hebrew letters and language?  Here are just a few reasons.

         * We study the Hebrew language and letters because all scripture is written from a Hebrew mindset.  When we study from this perspective we begin to think and act like disciples of the Jewish Messiah Jesus/Yeshua.

          *The very letters of the Hebrew language hold keys to understanding our purpose as believers and God's plan for mankind.  The letters unlock hidden truths that God purposely encoded in His Word.

          *The study of the Hebrew language helps us understand the intricate storytelling and poetic features of each verse from the ancient Semitic worldview.  Our modern/western view is influenced by Greek and Roman philosphy and can often blind us from the true meaning of scripture.

          *Study of the Hebrew language helps us understand why we are drawn to the Hebrew people, scriptures, God's Feast Days and the Sabbath.  Yeshua, AKA Jesus was a Jew; born, raised and lived a perfect life as an obedient Jew, so that we might understand our Father in Heaven.  His life testifies to a spotless life lived out according to Jewish law.  Being a disciple of Yeshua means we are called to imitate Him and be spotless.

               "And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to

                 happen, make every effort to  be found living peaceful lives

                 that are pure and blameless in His sight."  2 Peter 3:14


We, at RTAG do not claim to KNOW everything there is to know.  We just respond to the passion that the Spirit of God has laid on us to search the scripture.


What is unique about Restoring The Awe of God?

We are a teaching fellowship with our focus on the study of the Hebrew language, culture, customs and history in order to live in Awe and share with others the wonders that are found in the Word of God. 

We feel believers are called to be discipled into the faith primarily by

study and wisdom, led not by emotions that are fleeting.  Our feelings cannot be trusted by themselves. In fact, Jeremiah 17:9 says,

                “The heart is more deceitful than anything else and

                                               mortally sick. Who can fathom it?

We believe our faith walk is a journey of learning from the Spirit of God and the study of His Word.  We hold  tight to standards of righteousness found in scripture and yet hold loosely to the debatable, non-salvation issues that cause division. 

Contact us for more information at 715-790-0000 or by email at


Faith is the ROOT
Action is the FRUIT.

You will know others by their FRUIT,
but He will also KNOW US by our FRUIT. 

What is our FRUIT showing about our hearts?

The Biblical Feasts   TELL OF THE FUTURE!

Deut. 16:16  "Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover, PESACH) and the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost, Shavuot) and at the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles, Sukkot) and they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed.

These three Biblical Feasts, established by God, are designed as signs with an everlasting purpose; to remind us of the past redemption from Egypt, to point us to the redemption of The Messiah and to guide us into the FUTURE.  Redemption of all mankind yet to be fulfilled is modeled in the Fall Feasts of God.

Jesus, aka Yeshua in Hebrew, came to "fulfill" meaning to LIVE OUT The Scriptures so we can see clearly how to live according to God's will.  "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matt. 5:17)

He fulfilled  the Spring Feasts in this way: the Passover by being our Lamb, the Unleavened Bread by living without sin, First Fruits by rising from the dead.  Pentecost is in remembrance of the giving of the GIFT of Torah at Sinai in Genesis and  in the GIFT of the Spirit in Acts 2.   Scripture clearly shows us these feasts are directly pointing to the plan of redemption.

The Fall Feasts are shadows of what is yet to come.  They "outline" what we are to be hoping for and looking to see in His Second Coming.

If these things interest you, please feel free to contact us to find out more.  Shalom

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